Custom Software Development: Overview and benefits for Business Growth

Custom Software Development: Overview and benefits for Business Growth

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The advancement in Information technology has provided society with a plethora of benefits. Better user-experience, process automation, and process optimization are now the top priorities of a company.

To cope with the ever-changing software and mobile app development trends, companies are now opting for bespoke software development services to get a more personalized solution to their business problems. Choosing between a custom software or commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution is a never-ending saga. Ready-made software comes bundled with many features that you may never end-up using. On the other hand, bespoke software is a tailor-made solution to meet the unique requirements of your business and solve the exact problem you’re looking at solving.

What is Custom Software Development?

In simple terms, developing custom software or mobile applications is all about creating a piece of software exclusively to fulfill your business needs and to enhance the user’s experience & optimize processes at various levels of an organization to drive growth.

Opposite to COTS, custom software is designed according to individual business requirements to provide in-depth solutions to manage business-specific tasks. Whereas, commercial off-the-shelf software caters to the needs of as broad an audience as possible. This makes them less suitable for businesses with unique demands.

Benefits of Custom Software Development

If you are still wondering whether custom software is good for your business or not, it is always good to know about the advantages that come along with it. Let’s have a look at them one by one and discuss in detail.

Increase Productivity

Bespoke software is tailored according to specific business requirements that make it a more efficient and productive solution. Employees can share data safely across the organization, and multiple processes can be easily integrated into one centralized software system. Software that fits the business demands of one organization might not be the best solution for other companies. Working with a  custom software development company ensures that your tailor-made new software easily integrates with your business requirement and processes.

Better Integration 

One thing that concerns you when you plan to invest in an off-the-shelf solution is to determine if the new software is compatible with the existing set-up or not. Since custom software solutions are developed after an in-depth analysis of requirements and existing IT infrastructure, the integration process with old systems becomes much easier. Additionally, the software can be designed based on the user’s skill level or can be used to extend the functionality of the existing system to further optimize the process.


In terms of cost-effectiveness, initially, off-the-shelf solutions seem cheaper, but the extra hidden costs of training, licensing, and modifying existing systems to avoid any compatibility issues start to add up and eventually exceed the budget that you have expected.

On the other hand, opting for custom software proves to be a more cost-effective and less painful decision if you consider the long-term benefits. It gives you the option to plan out the entire development process by deciding the most important features to add to the software and enables you to break the process into smaller phases for testing and review purposes.

Business Security

Data is the new oil of the digital economy. Keeping data safe from hackers is one of the top priorities of business owners. One of the major reasons to choose custom software over off-the-shelf solutions is because of its high-security features. Custom software is made keeping security as one of the top priorities to avoid any data leak and hacking attacks. 

Standard software applications are more prone to hacking as compared to custom solutions because hacking into a mainstream software will give hackers access to information from many companies which is not true in the case of custom software.


Flexibility is the prime benefit you get with custom business applications. You don’t have to customize your business environment & process to suit COTS applications, you can, rather, modify and scale the custom application according to your current needs and requirements as well as build for the future as your business grows

Custom-developed software is very useful to cope with ever-evolving business needs. It’s very easy to scale-up and upgrade Custom Software based on the new challenges and requirements that come with business growth.

In ready-made software solutions, you have to pay heavy charges to get additional functionalities. Plus, if you decide to switch to other software, all your data will be deleted and for data migration, you have to pay additional charges.

Better Support

With custom business applications, you also get more fast and reliable technical support. Even some custom software development companies provide round the clock support facility. With a custom solution, you will get access to directly interact with the team who have designed and developed the software. They will be able to help you resolve any issue in a more efficient manner.

Better Customer Experience

Customer experience is one of the major reasons behind the success of a business. Custom software helps you in providing a more personalized experience to your customers by filling any gap and addressing the unique requirements and processes of your business. 

Custom software development Services

Choosing the right software development company is no cakewalk. One must search for the best software development companies and compare them to pick one that promises good customer support and comes within your budget. Software development cost depends on the project time and resources the project requires. Don’t choose the cheapest option. Instead, choose a company with a good review score and best meet your needs.


By now, you must have understood that hiring on-demand developers or getting bespoke software comes with a lot of benefits. So, leverage custom software to focus more on your company’s growth!

If you think custom software is the right choice for your business. We are here to help. KritiKal Solutions is the technology partner for many leading companies. We have successfully developed and implemented on-demand software solutions for a wide variety of businesses. 

If you have any questions, Call us or email us at

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